So a few days ago (Monday morning actually), I went out for breakfast with two of my childhood friends after settling some certificate stuff in school.
So while eating, I asked one of them about her business proposal assignment and she told me she was going to do about Popular Bookstores.
Oh? You’re doing Popular? I did MPH last year!
Yea, I know. I saw your assignment.
My lecturer let us take a look at it as a sample for us. She said it was a good example. I think it got quite high marks out of 40.
You have no idea how happy I was when she told me that. I mean, to be honest, that assignment caused me so much of problems and we finished it the night before we had to hand it in. I was the editor/leader of the group so I think I had more to worry about compared to the rest.
My group members were all really supportive. All of them came on time to the meetings and all helped to make the assignment happen.
That was really the first time we did an assignment of that scale. We had to plan everything from scratch on how to start up a business here in Kampar. Since the more common themes like entertainment and food were taken, I decided for us to do MHP Bookstores.
That assignment was one of the most rushed ones I ever did, like I said before. Even after I printed the whole thing out, I still found mistakes in them. It was my fault, I didn’t read through it thorough enough before I printed it out. Too lazy and too tired. Haha

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