I did a lot of thinking before posting this and I think that I should, at least just to let people know.
the picture above is a print screen of my timetable for the first semester. As you can see, on Tuesdays, I finish at 8pm and on Wednesdays, i start at 8am. Obviously I would like to rest as early as possible because (again, referring to the time table) Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays are really tiring for me. Getting up early is never easy for anybody no matter how long they have done it before. and not to mention i have a full day on campus.
So, all I'm asking for is a bit of consideration from all of you. Pick proper times to chat (refer to the timetable please). When i say i have a test coming, even though i'm appearing online, i'm not actually paying attention to the computer. i'm doing my work (the comp is in front of me of course) but i don't pay attention to it.
And also, if you were to call i.e. phone, msn, Skype please only call when you absolutely have something to say. I think i've mentioned it a few times before that i don't like to be in a call where both of us are just sitting there, not talking and doing our own work. i prefer calls to be short, simple and straight-forwarded, not long and without content.
i know i'm making myself sound so incredibly busy, but i'm not, ok. Just to make things clear, i'm not trying to make myself sound like i'm some big-shot important busy person. ok?
so the summary is:
1. wanna rest as early as possible on week nights
2. please don't call and not have anything to talk, you're wasting my time and also yours.
3. if i say i have a test/presentation/assignment due date/ etc coming, i mean it.
again, i am not making myself sound busy. i'm merely stating the facts.
i'm sorry if i offended anybody in the process of you reading this post. it is only an opinion, my opinion, and i wish to let others know of it.
p/s: to my draw draw partner, i know what you're thinking off, ok. this is not referring to you, it's referring to our another draw draw partner. =]
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