It's been almost a month since i left school, and frankly speaking, goodness what happened?! The guard is the most *toot* *toot* person i've ever seen in my life! Seriously. Our moood was gone as soon as we entered through the gate. Geez. Well, they became guards for a reason. I shall not explain furthure, you guys should understand right? *laughs*
Before we had this gathering, we, as in me and Zhong Yee, were thinking, 'Li Ping sure will bring camera to school wan today'. Mana tau, she forgot. *laughs* ( Liping-ah, don't angry ya).
We met up with Chee Siang and Ka Yin's parents cause they were there doing her forecast. I did such a 'tiu lian' act again, cause Ka Yin looks a lot like her mom. I saw her from the office balcony and immediately shouted 'Ka Yin, then only i realise is her mom. Aish, men-talok-kan!
After that, we met up with Sien Son, Zi Xian and Huai Ern. We decided to go to The Store to visit Yi Lin and Jamie. Reach there, canot find them so went home after that.
Today was my first drive without adult supervision! It's fun! Thanks Li Ping for being my day coach!
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