This post has nothing to do with the title, just so you know.
Ask any one in campus these few days about what’s on their minds and most of the time, the same answer will be said. ‘Chinese New Year is coming!’ but, we don’t get that long of a holiday. Sad. I shall refrain from commenting further to avoid issues.
In a simpler way, the entire timetable has been ‘activated’. Week one was quite relaxing cause tutorials have yet to commence. We didn’t really feel the fatigue yet that time, if I can say so myself. My classes start from 8am to 4pm on an average day. Of course, there’s an hour’s break in between classes most of the time. The longest break between classes is 2 hours. What am I going to do in campus for 2 hours? Eat? Loiter around listening to mp3? Library? But one thing about the library, it’s too far away. The distance really makes us ‘mo xing’ to go there. It’s quite boring there actually, the library is not as well stocked as the one in Sunway, I’m being honest. Not as cold, too. Thank goodness for that.
I’ve realized one thing here in Kampar, that is; the road here is never flat! Serious. It’s either downhill slope, uphill slope and humps every where! Especially in KTAR. It’s a shortcut we take too campus. So many humps! I think I have to pass at least ten to reach the UTAR gate. You know what, I’ll count them on my next trip there and I’ll post in the next post.
I also realized that there are many types of people. Yes, I know, rather late in life to be saying this statement, isn’t it? We are all of different colours, figuratively speaking and not meaning race. We have different types of personalities, different taste in things. And definitely different attitude towards daily things, especially money. Some people are really stingy in spending, even on food. We usually eat economical rice in the cafeteria between classes. Some people I saw only have few food on their plate. For example, rice, some vegetables and some ‘toufu’. Total approximately RM1.80. I mean, for goodness sake, how can anyone be full from eating that alone for lunch?! Yes, I know, I eat a lot. But I’ve been cutting down and controlling a lot too you know. I didn’t know living out by yourself is so, erm, ma fan. Yaw Bia, I don’t know how you did it for 5 years. Respect!
Anyways, I went to Ipoh to do some CNY shopping today. I set out from Kampar with a mission and I failed miserably. Sigh. Well, one can’t always get what one wants in life. That’s not fair.
That picture was taken in Block D during in-between-class break. I was, as you would say, feeling very ‘wu liao’at that time
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