Sunday, January 31, 2010


This post has nothing to do with the title, just so you know.

Ask any one in campus these few days about what’s on their minds and most of the time, the same answer will be said. ‘Chinese New Year is coming!’ but, we don’t get that long of a holiday. Sad. I shall refrain from commenting further to avoid issues.

In a simpler way, the entire timetable has been ‘activated’. Week one was quite relaxing cause tutorials have yet to commence. We didn’t really feel the fatigue yet that time, if I can say so myself. My classes start from 8am to 4pm on an average day. Of course, there’s an hour’s break in between classes most of the time. The longest break between classes is 2 hours. What am I going to do in campus for 2 hours? Eat? Loiter around listening to mp3? Library? But one thing about the library, it’s too far away. The distance really makes us ‘mo xing’ to go there. It’s quite boring there actually, the library is not as well stocked as the one in Sunway, I’m being honest. Not as cold, too. Thank goodness for that.

I’ve realized one thing here in Kampar, that is; the road here is never flat! Serious. It’s either downhill slope, uphill slope and humps every where! Especially in KTAR. It’s a shortcut we take too campus. So many humps! I think I have to pass at least ten to reach the UTAR gate. You know what, I’ll count them on my next trip there and I’ll post in the next post.

I also realized that there are many types of people. Yes, I know, rather late in life to be saying this statement, isn’t it? We are all of different colours, figuratively speaking and not meaning race. We have different types of personalities, different taste in things. And definitely different attitude towards daily things, especially money. Some people are really stingy in spending, even on food. We usually eat economical rice in the cafeteria between classes. Some people I saw only have few food on their plate. For example, rice, some vegetables and some ‘toufu’. Total approximately RM1.80. I mean, for goodness sake, how can anyone be full from eating that alone for lunch?! Yes, I know, I eat a lot. But I’ve been cutting down and controlling a lot too you know. I didn’t know living out by yourself is so, erm, ma fan. Yaw Bia, I don’t know how you did it for 5 years. Respect!

Anyways, I went to Ipoh to do some CNY shopping today. I set out from Kampar with a mission and I failed miserably. Sigh. Well, one can’t always get what one wants in life. That’s not fair.

That picture was taken in Block D during in-between-class break. I was, as you would say, feeling very ‘wu liao’at that time

Thursday, January 28, 2010

What A Day!

Well, today has been very ‘interesting’ in a way. I almost got hit by a car, my housemate fell coming down a slope, her roommate is scared by the sight of blood and my other housemate is very ticklish. Hmm. Maybe it’s not that interesting to some??
It was after dinner, we quickly cycled home as it was about to pour. It’s a good thing that the agency built a sheltered pathway for us to shelter us from the weather. I only needed to bear with the rain for a short while before I was safely under a roof, away from the rain which had caused me many problems since form4. As most of you might recall, or might not, I fall sick easily when being exposed to the weather. May it be sweltering hot or raining cats and dogs, I will most of the time fall sick if I don’t take care of myself properly. I think this is mainly due to the lack of exercise since I stepped into the upper forms.
Anyway, remember the slope going towards my house I mentioned in one of my earlier post? The thrill of going down the slope had not yet lost its effect on us. In fact, we look forward to it every time we pass by the area. It saves time and energy. Plus, it sort of make up for having us to cycle up the bloody slope. It’s really tiring!
It all happened so fast. I couldn’t even remember it properly now. Only a few details. I was going down the slope as usual, when reaching the corner I always remembered to hit the brakes because it can be really dangerous for we cannot really see the on-coming cars from the other side. It was there where everything happened.
My housemate slanted the bicycle a little too much until she went into other people’s lane and fell right in front of the junction. I didn’t really saw the how she fell, but all I knew was that the driver of the car was very much in shock when he got off the car to check up on her. Don’t worry, she fell on her own and was not due to the car. She said, ‘even if the car weren’t there, I would have fell anyways because the bike was leaning too much’. She scrapped her left elbow. I got to play doctor afterwards because the other 2 were quite squeamish by the sight of blood. I am so childish!
A few seconds after she fell, I arrived. I braked as usual but I was still going quite fast. It shocked me to see her elbow bleeding and her picking up her fallen bike. I forgot to concentrate on the road in front of me and a white MyVi almost hit me! I remember braking really fast until the friction of the brakes and the tyres made a loud screeching sound. My bike was lifted momentarily and I could hear my friend calling me. I managed to pull aside and let the car pass. Don’t worry, I am fine.
The 3 of us were in shock after the incident. The other was already safely home, waiting of us at the front gate, oblivious of what had just happened to the 3 of us. The other 2 filled her in with the story, I was pretty much a big blur case.
Pretty scary isn’t it? A harmless slope could’ve took away lives of innocent college student. People, please be careful when on the road regardless of the mode if transport you are using. Be safe and take care.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Days So Far In UTAR

How should I begin? Well, as most of you might already know, I complain about the size of the campus quite often. It’s really big and getting from one place to another takes up time and energy. I admit, I asked for it but I’m happy. At least I’m getting my daily exercise by hopping from block to block to get to my classes and going to and fro from my place to campus everyday.
However, I can say that it’s starting to take its toll on me. I’m getting very sleepy at early hours of the night, for instance, around 8pm I will start to feel sleepy already! Early isn’t it? My eyes are getting heavier by the minute and all I want to do is just to close and reopen them when I near NaengMyun playing. That’s my alarm for those who are curious. Fast beat song, perfect to wake me up in the morning at 6am to get to my 8 am class.
Assignments haven’t officially begun yet cause we haven’t receive either our company names or countries to do research on. Thank goodness for that but by this weekend I should be quite busy, so that’s why I’m writing this now, when I should be doing my General Maths tutorial. It’s ok, I only have around 3 questions left, I can slack off for a while.
The lecturers here in UTAR are really nice people. In fact, some if them remind me of my ex-teachers in secondary school. My Maths lecturer kinda reminds me of Mr Tan HS, maybe because of his skinny figure and white hair and I think he’s a bit hunch, just a bit. Then, my economics lecturer reminds me of Mr Patrick. Mostly because he’s an Indian and he likes to joke around during class. My Accounts lecturer reminds me of, erm, should I say who it is? You guys can guess by the description I’m about to give. She’s quite small size, small figure, smiles most of the time during lectures and maybe this last trait is a bit off, she’s really nice. But I don’t understand why she has a diabetes poster in front of her office? It’s really quite creepy. Everyone got the answer? Need I say more?
This post will be longer than my other posts, I’m sure you guys would have noticed it by now. I’m sorry about the length. For those who are impatient, feel free to close this page anytime you want. I don’t mind at all.
Here in UTAR, I feel like such a banana. I’m currently trying to learn Cantonese, but I can say I’m quite slow. My best line so far is ‘hou tong ah’ meaning ‘very cold’ because most of the lecture halls and tutorial rooms are freezing cold! Even my cardigan is not enough to keep me warm. Especially the room DDK4! Freezing our butts off during maths and accounts lectures, two hours each! Can you imagine all 150 of us sitting there trying our best to pay attention while having to listen, take down notes and keep warm at the same time? My fingers went numb and I can’t even feel the pen properly. Needless to say, my handwriting, as most of us would say, was like shit. It’s too cold to grip the pen properly. I spend most of my time blowing into my palms and rubbing them together. I tried shaking hands with my friends but they wouldn’t let me. Say’s my hands are cold. They must have forgotten about thermal equilibrium.
This is getting a bit too long for my style. I’ll write some more next time. Have maths to finish. Byebye =)
Oh and by the way, I heard that we’re only having holiday until 2nd day of CNY. 3rd day it’s back to business. Sad right? My Johor housemates cancelled their plans of going home. They even sold their bus tickets! I do feel sorry for them.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

All Done!

it does look cleaner and neater, doesn't it? well, it only took me about half an hour to get everything straighten up. guess i was being lazy. *laughs*

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Alangkah Messy-nya!!!!

yes, yes, i know what most of you guys are thinking. 'omg! so messy!!! how can anyone stay in this kind of room?' well, don't worry bout it, i'm goin to clean it up as soon as possible before all the assignments start pouring in.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

disaster or memorable?

I had absolutely no idea how much I truly miss you people! They say ‘out of sight, out of mind’, which I find it really true. However, the problem arises when the out-of-sight person comes in-sight. Only then will one truly appreciate them.

It started off as a simple plan. To meet up and catch up with each other over a meal. Sounds simple enough doesn’t it? *laughs* how wrong you are.

I was 15 minutes late in fetching the girls to Old Town, yet when we reached, we were the first to arrive. *people, please be more punctual* Then, after a drink, we headed to Lumut. Parking there is an absolute nightmare! But I eventually found a spot somewhere near the café we were going to. I assumed that the place would be brightly lit by the time we get back because there were quite a number of street lights present. Who knew, there weren’t connected yet. We had to walk in the dark. Sorry guys. I won’t do that again.

After that, we went go carting. The journey there was an experience I would cherish forever but I don’t want to do it again. Long story short, we got lost. And, I don’t like to loose my way, especially when going to a place. I shall not explain further.

Go carts are so much different compared to actual cars. For one thing, cars are smoother to drive and much more comfortable too!. The cart kept on shaking/vibrating throughout the entire ride

All in all, I won’t mind a bit to repeat this trip again, though I got a bit pissed off about us losing our way. I’ll repeat the trip again without hesitation

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Midnight Hunt

‘Goodness, what time is it now? 11.30pm. I should be asleep already by now. But how can I sleep in peace when my stomach is making so much noise?! Aish, I knew that plate of CC was too small!’

People are really stingy with meat nowadays. The piece on my plate was, no doubt big, but it was thin as well. As though the chicken went through a whole year of dieting before it was slaughtered to be food. Aish.

‘Might as well make a cup of Milo to fill it until morning comes. Now where did I put that teaspoon?’

You’d be amazed at how messy my little room can get in just a couple of days. Even the task of looking for a teaspoon turned out to be a treasure hunt like how Kristie would look for her eraser in her pencil case or how Nisha would look for stuff in her pencil case.

‘I could’ve sworn I just used it yesterday when I ate Maggi, where could it be? I don’t think my housemates would steal it, they have own spoons. Then where is it?’

After at least half an hour of searching around my room, a thought came to me.

‘No way, am I that stupid and careless? There’s absolute no way that I could’ve left it there!’

Listening to my instincts, I decided to go outside the house and search for the teaspoon in the middle of the night. Of course, I was still pondering whether am I really that careless.

‘Cannot be wan la, how can I accidentally left it there?’

The world has never failed to proof me wrong so far, and this is no exception. Guess where I left my spoon? If you guessed in the trash bag then you’re absolutely correct. I found the stainless steel teaspoon in the trash bag, outside the house, with all the trash ants and everything commonly found in the trash bag.

‘Aigoo, Teh Zhi Ying! How can you be so stupid? How can you throw away your spoon without realizing?’ I criticized myself as I returned to my room and then scrubbed the spoon clean for at least 10minutes.

Stupid right?


Ok, Orientation is almost over by now and i can say that it has been very tiring. On the first day itself they made us walk from end to end of the campus, 4 times!!! Do you have any idea how big the place is?? Even just Block A and Block B combined is already bigger than our school! And there's 10 blocks!! Walking from end to end itself can be considered as a mini marathon! And the Library had to be situated at Block G, which is very far away from Block A. My legs hurt from walking, cycling uphill and climbing staircases. Well, I guess this is the price of studying in a really big U. *sigh*

Anyways, I;m really happy to announce that i have 3 other house mates!! But there's a bit of a language barrier between us. I shall refrain from explaining furthur as others might think i have issues.


there's a slope coming down from the entrance to my house. Yes, my house, well, some sort my house. I was the first there so it's technically mine if you see it from the 'first come first serve basis'. Some thing like that la. *laughs* And it's damn fun coming down the slope! From the gate until my house, I don't need to pedal at all! inertia is a wonderful discovery! Thank You Newton! All I need to do it to give it a push and the bike willl move by itself! Thank You Gravity!

haha, my next post will be up really soon since i have to make up for lost time due to no internet at the house. =) see you guys there!

Monday, January 11, 2010


As it says in the title, FINALLY! I;m officially going to move in to 'my' house in Kampar! *evil laugh* After 17 years being cooped up in Sitiawan, I'm going on a journey alone. How exciting! However, i am fully aware that going to college is not as fun as it seems on tv. Many things are going to be different there- nobody to cook for me! I'm going to miss home-cooked food. Worst of all, for the first few days, there's no form of entertainment in the house what-so-ever. Stupid agency. Tv not in yet, so is the internet and the fridge is not in yet too! How am i going to keep my fruits? *babi*

So, I stocked up on internet fictional stories! Just to help pass time there! Pain Stakingly copy paste all the chapters into Microsoft Word and into the pendrive it goes. Going to read it there. *hehe*

I got a housemate. But i still cannot remember her name. She's from Johor, most likely had been a chinese school student since year1. Just my opinion on the first impression she gave. She's in the double room next door to mine. Neighbour la call it. For first impression, I can say i sense a pretty good vibe from her(yes, suddenly Teh Zhi Ying developed sixth sense haha). She seems like a nice person and I don't think she's like SOME people in 5sc1. (you guys should know who i talking need to explain la hor?)

How are you guys now?? I miss you guys terribly! Can't wait when we go get our results then we can meet up again!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Long Time No See??

It's been almost a month since i left school, and frankly speaking, goodness what happened?! The guard is the most *toot* *toot* person i've ever seen in my life! Seriously. Our moood was gone as soon as we entered through the gate. Geez. Well, they became guards for a reason. I shall not explain furthure, you guys should understand right? *laughs*

Before we had this gathering, we, as in me and Zhong Yee, were thinking, 'Li Ping sure will bring camera to school wan today'. Mana tau, she forgot. *laughs* ( Liping-ah, don't angry ya).

We met up with Chee Siang and Ka Yin's parents cause they were there doing her forecast. I did such a 'tiu lian' act again, cause Ka Yin looks a lot like her mom. I saw her from the office balcony and immediately shouted 'Ka Yin, then only i realise is her mom. Aish, men-talok-kan!

After that, we met up with Sien Son, Zi Xian and Huai Ern. We decided to go to The Store to visit Yi Lin and Jamie. Reach there, canot find them so went home after that.

Today was my first drive without adult supervision! It's fun! Thanks Li Ping for being my day coach!

Monday, January 4, 2010


It's official, my life is going no where nowadays. I'm bored most of the time. To ease the boredom, I go online. But, being in front of the computer over a long duration of time is unhealthy and it's kinda wasting your time. But i go nothing to do!! I'm so bored! As i said before, i stumbled across a forum with lots o fanfics. It kept me hooked for a few days but now i almost finish reading the stories, it gets boring again. *sigh*

I'm going to UTAR next week, this leaves me one week to spend time with the people i haven seen in a long time. Yi Lin, Zhong Yee, Li Ping, if you guys are reading this, i'm totally free to hang out. except Thurs afternoon, dental appointment.

I;m currently still hooked onto k-pop. *laughs*

Saturday, January 2, 2010

all settled!

Ok. Everything is settled and i can move in anytime i want. Well, almost everything. UTAR sent me a letter of confirmation on being their student, together with a list of items ading up to a total fee for my first semester. There we some fine prints at the bottom but i was too lazy to read them as they were too small in font!! Who knew, there was some important info there. They don't accept cash. So my mom drove me there all the way to Kampar wanting to pay fees but it's not going to happen. Instead, we head to Danish Homes (the company that runs the hostels there), and settled the deposit payment, contract agreement signing and got the keys to my house. Currently, I'm the only one there. It's kinda fun having the entire house to yourself. The best part is, I don't even have to clean it up! They ahve house keeping for that. I only have to clean my own room, which i think i'm going to be too lazy to do it often enough to keep it in an orderly fashion.

The road we took to Kampar reminded me a lot of Merbok, my mom's hometown. It was the place where i spent most of my holiday time there with my late grandpa. Ah, good times, good times. the road we took was almost if not exactly the same as the road leading to Merbok. It was narrow, windy and not very well maintained due to the 'hulu-ness' of the area. *laughs*

I got a haircut!

Friday, January 1, 2010

eagerness of a kid =)

hmm, i can't believe i;m saying this but, i'm actually looking forward to going to college. Ain't it funny? Only a few days ago i was complaining here and there about going to college, leaving Sitiawan and leaving my dear friends. sigh. Life can be weird sometimes. Don't you guys agree? Can you guys imagine me, Teh Zhi Ying, of all people, as a college student? I certainly can't. I'm such a kid, always fooling around, with no willpower or discipline what-so-ever. It's going to be an interesting journey to be a more discipline and responsible young adult i always wanted myself to be. Sadly, i'm not sure whether i'll achieve my goal cause, i;m notoriously childish and immature for a person of my age. I can say tht i'm the most childish person in 5sc1. Sad isn't it? *laughs*

I'm now at a forum that i stmble upon a few days ago. There's lota of cool and awesome stories there. In fact tht picture is taken from there. It's called 'Winter Twilight'