‘let’s each wear a pair and take a group picture!’
Around 6 of them, if not mistaken, grabbed a pair of sunglasses each and lined themselves up, ready for their photo shoot.

While they were posing away, some already went down to the bee farm below and the others were attracted by the mini arcade the site had at the back.
‘Hey, Sze, wanna play this?’ Jen Na pointed to the arcade style basketball game.
‘Sure, why not? But I don’t have change.’
‘Never mind, I’ll go get it.’
Off she went to the counter in front to get two 50cents coins for the game. Pretty soon, the two of them were shooting away, trying to accumulate points. The funny thing was, they were suppose to try to beat each other at it since it was a two player game, but they ended up helping each other out.

‘Hey guys, I’m going down to the farm, anybody coming?’
‘Yo, what have you guys been up to down here?’
‘We were taking pictures over there, you wanna take one?’ Sien Son offered to the two newly arrived girls at the bee farm.
‘can also, where?’
He showed them to the particular spot and the two girls were pondering over how to pose until..
‘I know! Why don’t we do that heart shape pose!’
‘Well, you finally got what you wanted.’
‘Yup ^^’ said the short haired girl who was grinning widely.

They spent the majority of their time taking pictures in the bee farm, seeing how that place was a bit of a bore in the shortie’s point of view. There was a staircase there, and it was steep! She took a picture of it and so did her friend, but unfortunately, her friend snapped a picture of her butt instead. =.= She doesn’t mind, everybody was in a good mood and so was she.

As I was typing….
‘Oi?! SA PO, Laura Diong! What are you all doing here?’
‘oh, you’re mom picked us up by the road side. Haha’
‘I thought you all berbonding with your books wan?’
‘aiya, I go Laura’s house pass her something ma, then your mom came and picked us up.’
‘See, Ying, I so good, bring Diong Wern Jyn and Laura DIong to see you.’
‘so you 2 ho bo?’
‘haiz..bo ho la. Want to exam ady….’
We spent almost one hour catching up with one another while facebook-ing and stalking people’s photos, and shared stories about our, or more like my recent trip to Cameron.
It’s quite amazing that the three of us could be as sampat-ed as we use to in just that short amount of time. Ah..good times, good times ^_^
After the bee farm, they went to a mini strawberry farm where most of them bought those strawberry flavoured Popsicle sticks. It was so sweet! Just the way that shortie likes it. She has a really big sweet tooth, mind you.
It was just a quick stop at the farm before they had to move on to their apartment they were staying at. They were suppose to go for lunch in Tanah Rata but some problem came up with the bus company and they had to cut their time short.
It took them a while to find where that place was, since none of them had any idea where it is, including the driver. Don’t worry, they found it in record time and unloaded all their stuff and the bus then took Richard and his family to their own apartment.
The rest made their way up the flights of stairs to the second floor; thank goodness it was only the second and not the third. Their legs were already tired from walking around most of the day and going up stairs with luggage bags wasn’t exactly a pleasant journey.
It was a good thing that the apartment unit was almost directly in front of the stairs and they didn’t have to walk any further with their heavy luggage and multiple bag packs and duffle bags.
‘ok, let me through, I need to open the door.’ The certain brunette shoved her way through her friends and opened the grille door and took off her shoes before opening the wooden door.

Aigoo..this place is so freaking small >.< and the single room near the door look like some solitary confinement room. Oh and don’t even get me started on the toilet. Aigoo!!!
‘alright guys, lets settle down and unpack, then we’ll decide what to do.’
Everyone agreed with the plan and some already started to decide who’s sleeping where for the 2nights. The boys already came to an agreement before the trip that they were going to sleep on the floor.
The girls skillfully rearranged the beds in the rooms and came to a decision on the sleeping arrangements.
Li Ping, Pey Woei and Karen would take the room with the single bed while the rest would take the room beside it with the two single beds. The mattress from the solitary confinement room was moved to the room so that two others could sleep on it at night.
After deciding that, the girls were feeling a bit lazy to go out anymore and it was decided that they weren’t going out for dinner and they spent the rest of the afternoon/evening playing cards, gossiping and catching up with each other, playing the guitar and some took a nap.

(A/N: pictures are creditted to their respective owners: Sien Son, Jia Minn and myself)
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