A frustrating weekend had just passed and I’m so thankful that it’s over. Some might be thinking, what the hell is this girl babbling about this time? Well, for those who didn’t know, last week was our registration for the following semester and it was the second most hellish hours I’ve been through. Why the second most? Because I can’t really tell you which is the most, so I’ll settle with second place.
As much as I want to, I won’t be ranting here about those few hellish hours. I’ve already rant to those who was willing to listen to me and I’m so thankful that they were. It’s good to get things like this off your chest. For the ones that caused the frustrations and annoyance to build up inside me, you better run, run, run, run, run! Yes, I hold grudges towards people who continue to push my patience level off the wall, may they be conscious or unconscious of their actions.
Anyway, this week will be the start of my semester final exams. So things haven’t been favourable these past few days. Files and papers scattered everywhere in my room as though a hurricane had just hit. I guess my room is the messiest when its nearing the exam season. Even back home, books will be all over the floor, some on my bed, some on the table but most will be on the floor.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
The rain had just stopped and the night air was cool and refreshing. A figure could be seen standing at the balcony, with her arms folded and resting upon the railing, leaning on it to enjoy the breeze and the night view of the beautiful city. The city itself was a light show, a spectacular display of neon and imaginative ideas, enough to rival that of Las Vegas. She could observe the entire city from where she stood, for her apartment unit was on the 23rd floor of the building. She could see that traffic was slow that night and impatient drivers were honking at one another. She sighed knowing that with the current traffic conditions, there’s no way she could go out shopping and she was stuck at home with absolutely nothing to do.
She glanced at her wrist watch, it was only 8.30pm. What was she to do? It was certainly still too early for bed, even for a sleepyhead such as herself. She continued her little observation and allowed her mind to wander as she drifts off to a not so distant memory.
She glanced at her wrist watch, it was only 8.30pm. What was she to do? It was certainly still too early for bed, even for a sleepyhead such as herself. She continued her little observation and allowed her mind to wander as she drifts off to a not so distant memory.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
I realised this not too long ago; something about myself- I tend to put on a bored expression when I’m around certain people. That’s right, a bored expression; or perhaps it can also be called a blank face. No, I’m not trying to learn from the Ice Princess but I really am putting on a bored face quite often here. Maybe I’m picky in meeting new people. I mean, certain kind of people really do get on my nerves and pisses me off easily. Yea, maybe I’m just picky. If I weren’t, I would be delighted to meet anybody who comes up to me and says hello but I guess I am Miss Picky.
Like I said, certain people with certain personalities gets on my nerves easily. I think I particularly don’t like people with face problem. Face problem, I think it’s just there’s something wrong with the person’s face that makes me feel like wanting to whack the person. Then, there’s the weird type of person. These kinds of people are just plain weird in my eyes. I try not to put people in this category as I am well aware that I, myself, am weird in the eyes of others. There’s also the kind of people who don’t know how to control their mouth and the things that they say. It’s like the words just comes out without passing through their brain for scanning first. Words can hurt others more than a knife can. A physical wound heals with time but the ones that cuts the heart takes much, much longer.
But sometimes, the bored face is there because I really am bored to death! If there’s nothing to do or to talk about, how can I smile or laugh? Later others will think I went bonkers or some sort.
Like I said, certain people with certain personalities gets on my nerves easily. I think I particularly don’t like people with face problem. Face problem, I think it’s just there’s something wrong with the person’s face that makes me feel like wanting to whack the person. Then, there’s the weird type of person. These kinds of people are just plain weird in my eyes. I try not to put people in this category as I am well aware that I, myself, am weird in the eyes of others. There’s also the kind of people who don’t know how to control their mouth and the things that they say. It’s like the words just comes out without passing through their brain for scanning first. Words can hurt others more than a knife can. A physical wound heals with time but the ones that cuts the heart takes much, much longer.
But sometimes, the bored face is there because I really am bored to death! If there’s nothing to do or to talk about, how can I smile or laugh? Later others will think I went bonkers or some sort.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
i think i'm going nuts
Foundation year is enjoyable
Scratch that,
It is very enjoyable and I had tones of fun!
I’m going to miss all of so much.
My new found friends;
Who helped me cope with homesickness;
And exam tension;
I’m going to miss the times we had silly laughs together.
The time we spent in my room,
Brainstorming for our ECS sketch,
Coming up with silly ideas that eventually became our sketch;
Camping outside lecture halls to wait for class;
Going on toilet tours as we would always go together;
Cycling to class and back home,
Laughing over jokes on the way;
I’m going to miss you,
All of you,
Your silly jokes,
Your diverse personalities,
And of course,
All of you for being who you are,
This is only the ending of semester 2,
There’s still another semester to go,
So, why am I being so sentimental now?
It is best to let you guys know now,
Than never letting you guys know at all.
~dedicated to Y1S1 3~
Scratch that,
It is very enjoyable and I had tones of fun!
I’m going to miss all of so much.
My new found friends;
Who helped me cope with homesickness;
And exam tension;
I’m going to miss the times we had silly laughs together.
The time we spent in my room,
Brainstorming for our ECS sketch,
Coming up with silly ideas that eventually became our sketch;
Camping outside lecture halls to wait for class;
Going on toilet tours as we would always go together;
Cycling to class and back home,
Laughing over jokes on the way;
I’m going to miss you,
All of you,
Your silly jokes,
Your diverse personalities,
And of course,
All of you for being who you are,
This is only the ending of semester 2,
There’s still another semester to go,
So, why am I being so sentimental now?
It is best to let you guys know now,
Than never letting you guys know at all.
~dedicated to Y1S1 3~
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Less but still there..
It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Almost a week I think. It’s been pretty tiring but it has most definitely been less stressful and tensioning compared to week before. Well, for one thing, all of my presentations and sketches for this semester ended last Tuesday and I was so happy about it! There’s an upcoming Management quiz this Thursday so I still have to study my butt off. Semester final exam is at first week of September so I can’t afford to slack off now either. Tests and exams are all approaching, and I’m not well prepared for it yet! T^T
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
7.30 a.m.
Finals are just around the corner and what am I still doing here? Procrastinating, what else? I think I’m still recovering from the two heavy weeks I had, this week and the previous. Man, who knew sleeping pass midnight for two weeks can be so tiring? I mean, it takes more effort than usual to stay awake in class, especially English lecture class. I can literally drop my head on the table and snooze there for two hours, if the lecturer allows that is.
During my first semester, I thought I could do with just 7 hours of sleep. 7 hours is enough for me, but it’s not enough to keep me awake during classes like Economics and English. Gosh, I snooze a lot during English! Anyway, 7 hours is enough for me to function normally, as in without having to run around all day and walking back and forth, block to block all the time. It is enough, but for semester 2, 7 hours is just asking for trouble.
I want to sleep more, but the big problem is; I automatically wake up at 7.30am. Every weekday at 7.30am, my eyes will automatically open and my day starts from there. It’s pretty sad knowing that I can rarely sleep pass 8am. Even on Thursdays when my class starts at 12pm, I’ll still loyally stick to 7.30. That’s just sad. Have I mentioned before that on my first day of sem2 that I literally jumped out of bed around 7.30? It was Monday and my class starts at 10am. I want to sleep pass 8am, no scratch that, I want to sleep pass 7.30am!!! Is it too much to ask for? I’ll be happy if it’s just 7.35am.
During my first semester, I thought I could do with just 7 hours of sleep. 7 hours is enough for me, but it’s not enough to keep me awake during classes like Economics and English. Gosh, I snooze a lot during English! Anyway, 7 hours is enough for me to function normally, as in without having to run around all day and walking back and forth, block to block all the time. It is enough, but for semester 2, 7 hours is just asking for trouble.
I want to sleep more, but the big problem is; I automatically wake up at 7.30am. Every weekday at 7.30am, my eyes will automatically open and my day starts from there. It’s pretty sad knowing that I can rarely sleep pass 8am. Even on Thursdays when my class starts at 12pm, I’ll still loyally stick to 7.30. That’s just sad. Have I mentioned before that on my first day of sem2 that I literally jumped out of bed around 7.30? It was Monday and my class starts at 10am. I want to sleep pass 8am, no scratch that, I want to sleep pass 7.30am!!! Is it too much to ask for? I’ll be happy if it’s just 7.35am.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Sleeping and Pampering
This evening, I felt as though a huge burden was lifted off my shoulders and was replaced by a blanket of relieve. Today marks the end of my semester 2 presentations and I’m thrilled about it! Now I can finally get some much needed rest and study for my upcoming quiz and final exams. Things are starting to look up.
I had a real busy day today, math test before lunch, presentation after lunch and another presentation (sketch) around 4pm. It was exhausting, but thanks to the support of my friends, I managed to pull through this heavy day and now, here I am, happy as a beaver, waiting for her hair to dry and going to sleep soon. I’m so happy that I’m finally getting to sleep before 11pm! I’ve been going to bed pass 12am since last week and I’m worried that this might shift my biological clock; making it difficult for me to sleep earlier than 12 at night. I seriously hope it doesn’t happen.
Perhaps being the eldest among my siblings, I tend to like people pampering me; like how an older sister would take care and look after a younger sibling. I really want an older sister; someone to look after me and help me when I need help. I think this is why I tend to mix better with those who are older than me. I like the feeling of being taken care of. Is it weird? I don’t think so. Well, that’s my opinion. haha
I had a real busy day today, math test before lunch, presentation after lunch and another presentation (sketch) around 4pm. It was exhausting, but thanks to the support of my friends, I managed to pull through this heavy day and now, here I am, happy as a beaver, waiting for her hair to dry and going to sleep soon. I’m so happy that I’m finally getting to sleep before 11pm! I’ve been going to bed pass 12am since last week and I’m worried that this might shift my biological clock; making it difficult for me to sleep earlier than 12 at night. I seriously hope it doesn’t happen.
Perhaps being the eldest among my siblings, I tend to like people pampering me; like how an older sister would take care and look after a younger sibling. I really want an older sister; someone to look after me and help me when I need help. I think this is why I tend to mix better with those who are older than me. I like the feeling of being taken care of. Is it weird? I don’t think so. Well, that’s my opinion. haha
Saturday, August 7, 2010
The weekends are here at last! After one uber tiring week, I can’t help but look forward to the weekends where I can rest and study for my test and quiz next Tuesday and Thursday, not to mention I also have a bunch of presentations lined up. Geez, somehow I feel that sem2 is much more hectic compared to sem1. Is it because of the exams being pushed one week earlier or the sudden boost in the number of students on campus? I’m not very sure.
I just hope I can relax a bit this weekend, though i have like 9chapters of Management to finish and 1.5 chapters of Maths.
Hwaiting! haha
I just hope I can relax a bit this weekend, though i have like 9chapters of Management to finish and 1.5 chapters of Maths.
Hwaiting! haha
Thursday, August 5, 2010
3 years

August 5th; 3 years ago this day marked the beginning of a journey of passion and hard work. The journey is a tough one but they didn’t give up half way or right at the beginning. No, they persevered and now they’re one of the most successful and well recognized people in their country.
The girls have been through so much during their trainee days to debut as who they are now, Girls’ Generation. Did you guys know that when they first got their group’s name, Jessica and Tiffany ran and complain to a senior trainee. ‘Unnie, our name is going to be SNSD T_T’ but now, they’re proud of it!
I think there’s no point of me writing a freakishly long post on the girls, since the best speeches are kept short and sweet. This is my first year celebrating their anniversary and its awesome being a SONE even though it can get really tough at times.
Happy 3rd year anniversary to Girls’ Generation.
Right now, it’s Girls’ Generation,
And it will forever be Girls’ Generation!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
How Relaxing, Not!
Perhaps I’m getting a little taste of what and how working life is like. Its busy, your schedule is packed and there’s little time for sleep and rest. I think my schedule is no different, especially for the next month.
I have 3 or maybe even more meetings or group discussions to attend this week and I have to conduct half of it. The best part is; I have to do the presentation slides needed for one of the presentations next week. Things are looking good, not!
Then for the next week, things are going to get tougher. Tuesday will be the worst; I got a math test in the morning, Management presentation after lunch and Communications sketch in the evening. Then, the following day is the English presentation and the day after that, Management quiz.
In between all of that, I still need to find time to balance my work and play. My semester final exams are just around the corner, first week of September to be exact.
Things just got a whole lot harder in college.
I saw this very interesting saying on a t-shirt on campus> ‘when nothing is going right, GO LEFT!’
I have 3 or maybe even more meetings or group discussions to attend this week and I have to conduct half of it. The best part is; I have to do the presentation slides needed for one of the presentations next week. Things are looking good, not!
Then for the next week, things are going to get tougher. Tuesday will be the worst; I got a math test in the morning, Management presentation after lunch and Communications sketch in the evening. Then, the following day is the English presentation and the day after that, Management quiz.
In between all of that, I still need to find time to balance my work and play. My semester final exams are just around the corner, first week of September to be exact.
Things just got a whole lot harder in college.
I saw this very interesting saying on a t-shirt on campus> ‘when nothing is going right, GO LEFT!’
Monday, August 2, 2010
I want to play, but.....
The word assignment has the word ass in it for a reason; because it really is an ass. I still don’t get why they have assignments in the first place. Sure it helps us get better marks for the final exam but it’s also taking up a lot of our time, especially if the assignments come late in the semester when the finals are in a few weeks time.
No use complaining now. There’s nothing I can do about it even if I complain day and night. Let’s just hope I can get through this in one piece. Hopefully, I can get a higher score than I did last semester; hopefully. *crosses fingers*
No use complaining now. There’s nothing I can do about it even if I complain day and night. Let’s just hope I can get through this in one piece. Hopefully, I can get a higher score than I did last semester; hopefully. *crosses fingers*
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Mushroom Day ^^
It’s been almost 2months since I last dedicated a post to somebody. So, today, in my first few post in about a month, I will dedicate this post to the brightest gem, at least in a SONE’s eyes, Stephanie Hwang MiYoung. Yes, that’s right, today is her 21st (22nd for Korean age) birthday!

Let’s see, Tiffany Hwang. You’d be surprised to know that she went all the way to South Korea by herself from the US. That’s right; she left her family, friends and practically everything and went to South Korea after she got casted in the SM Starlight Casting System in LA! Did you guys know that she was born in the same hospital as Jessica? What a big coincidence, huh? Haha
Perhaps having being raised in the US with different culture, Tiffany is often misunderstood. The usually reasons would be that people think that she’s rude and disrespectful of her seniors. She’s still learning, so cut her some slack. You seriously cannot expect her to know and to have learnt the culture that the others have accumulated since birth in her few years in the country. So, don’t be so judgemental of her!!!!! >.<
The eye-smile queen is also one awesome singer, just like her ‘wife’ Taeyeon^^. She sang an OST a couple of years back and it was DAEBAK! Haha. She likes pink, no wait, she LOVES pink! She’s like a typical pink princess. Need evidence? Just take a look at Into the New World MV, it’s so pink!
She’s also scared of bugs. She even has her own bug rap. Haha. Wondering what that is? Tiffany tend to say ‘bollae’, which is Korean for bug, repeatedly at a very fast pace when she sees one. Check out the video below. So cute ^^
Random facts? Tiffany was once rejected membership to Taeyeon’s online fan club. She also shares her birthday with one of her siblings. She got the nickname ‘mushroom’ not because of her haircut, but because she mispronounced the word ‘gem’ in Korean, which made is sound similar to the word ‘mushroom’. Tiffany was once left behind by the girls by accident when they left their dorm and came running after them in tears. If you arrange the girls according to height, Tiffany is in the middle. Apparently, she can play the flute! She is referred to as MiYoung without make-up by the girls. Among the girls, Tiffany has the highest capacity of drinking. Oh, one last one; Tiffany lost in an affection test on Hello Baby with Jessica. She didn’t lose to Jessica; they lost to the camera tripod. (lmao)
Happy Birthday, Tiffany Hwang! Wishing you good health and lots of happiness for the future! All the best in your career and debuting in Japan!!
Saengil Chukahamnida!!!

Let’s see, Tiffany Hwang. You’d be surprised to know that she went all the way to South Korea by herself from the US. That’s right; she left her family, friends and practically everything and went to South Korea after she got casted in the SM Starlight Casting System in LA! Did you guys know that she was born in the same hospital as Jessica? What a big coincidence, huh? Haha
Perhaps having being raised in the US with different culture, Tiffany is often misunderstood. The usually reasons would be that people think that she’s rude and disrespectful of her seniors. She’s still learning, so cut her some slack. You seriously cannot expect her to know and to have learnt the culture that the others have accumulated since birth in her few years in the country. So, don’t be so judgemental of her!!!!! >.<
The eye-smile queen is also one awesome singer, just like her ‘wife’ Taeyeon^^. She sang an OST a couple of years back and it was DAEBAK! Haha. She likes pink, no wait, she LOVES pink! She’s like a typical pink princess. Need evidence? Just take a look at Into the New World MV, it’s so pink!
She’s also scared of bugs. She even has her own bug rap. Haha. Wondering what that is? Tiffany tend to say ‘bollae’, which is Korean for bug, repeatedly at a very fast pace when she sees one. Check out the video below. So cute ^^
Random facts? Tiffany was once rejected membership to Taeyeon’s online fan club. She also shares her birthday with one of her siblings. She got the nickname ‘mushroom’ not because of her haircut, but because she mispronounced the word ‘gem’ in Korean, which made is sound similar to the word ‘mushroom’. Tiffany was once left behind by the girls by accident when they left their dorm and came running after them in tears. If you arrange the girls according to height, Tiffany is in the middle. Apparently, she can play the flute! She is referred to as MiYoung without make-up by the girls. Among the girls, Tiffany has the highest capacity of drinking. Oh, one last one; Tiffany lost in an affection test on Hello Baby with Jessica. She didn’t lose to Jessica; they lost to the camera tripod. (lmao)
Happy Birthday, Tiffany Hwang! Wishing you good health and lots of happiness for the future! All the best in your career and debuting in Japan!!
Saengil Chukahamnida!!!
It’s been how long since I left school? 8 months? I visited school yesterday and I can say it brought back many memories. There are so many things I miss about school and there are also things I wanted to leave and put away.
I miss:
1. Sitting in class
2. Sleeping during history
3. Playing during BM
4. Copying during add maths
5. Laughing during modern maths
6. Not caring during physics and biology
7. Day dreaming during chemistry
8. Trying not to anger the lady during English
9. Being blur during accounts class.
10. Being on the field shouting ‘check line’
11. Running rounds on the field as punishment
12. Throwing tantrums at my juniors because of PMS
13. Giving out punishment but never really bothers if they were carried out
14. Pampering my juniors
15. Playing silly games with them
16. My 3 sakai juniors
17. Trying to be set a good example but epic fail cause I’m too soft
18. Being with my seniors
19. Being taken care of by them
20. Going to Cameron with them
21. Going through tough practices with them
22. Enjoying those practices though its under the blazing sun
23. Laughing out loud like an idiot during practice
24. Eating canteen food
25. Sitting at our spot in the canteen
26. Buying food but not eating it, waiting for the bell to ring
27. Coming out early from class just to buy food
28. The nasi lemak and sambal!
I don’t miss
1. Being a prefect
2. Always targeted by a certain somebody during a certain class
3. Getting all sticky and sweaty
4. The super hot, oven-like classroom
5. Certain classmates
6. Certain teachers
I miss:
1. Sitting in class
2. Sleeping during history
3. Playing during BM
4. Copying during add maths
5. Laughing during modern maths
6. Not caring during physics and biology
7. Day dreaming during chemistry
8. Trying not to anger the lady during English
9. Being blur during accounts class.
10. Being on the field shouting ‘check line’
11. Running rounds on the field as punishment
12. Throwing tantrums at my juniors because of PMS
13. Giving out punishment but never really bothers if they were carried out
14. Pampering my juniors
15. Playing silly games with them
16. My 3 sakai juniors
17. Trying to be set a good example but epic fail cause I’m too soft
18. Being with my seniors
19. Being taken care of by them
20. Going to Cameron with them
21. Going through tough practices with them
22. Enjoying those practices though its under the blazing sun
23. Laughing out loud like an idiot during practice
24. Eating canteen food
25. Sitting at our spot in the canteen
26. Buying food but not eating it, waiting for the bell to ring
27. Coming out early from class just to buy food
28. The nasi lemak and sambal!
I don’t miss
1. Being a prefect
2. Always targeted by a certain somebody during a certain class
3. Getting all sticky and sweaty
4. The super hot, oven-like classroom
5. Certain classmates
6. Certain teachers
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