We reached the cave just in time for the last batch for the 4th tour package to enter but sadly, we were a few persons short of it. We could still enter but we would have to cover for the other 3 missing ones. We decided to wait another few minutes to see if any other would turn up and take the same package we had in mind. Luckily, 5 other showed up and all of them agreed to take the tour with us, making it ten people in total; more than enough to take tour package 4, the most chi kek tour offered.
The tour started with staircases, lots and lots of staircases. According to the guide, there were around 1000++ of them in the whole cave. I was surprised, no scratch that, we were shocked! 1000++ steps to climb is not an easy task, especially when the steps are high above ground and are quite slippery.
We were first shown rock formations and some of the different patterns formed. There was one which resembled a ram and another which resembled an alligator’s head. There were also a few patterns formed by the difference in colour of the rocks; a fox and another resembled a chicken. There was also one which looked like the side view of a monkey driving a car. There was also one huge stalagmite which looked like a pregnant lady.
Who knew touring a cave would work up a sweat! We were all practically drenched in sweat even before the half way mark. All of us looked as though we just came out from a shower and our pants were covered with mud.
At first we thought we were going to walk on a trail and climb lots of steps, nobody told us we had to go off trail and do a bit of rock climbing here and there. The river part of the tour was anticipated. I have been there before in my early childhood days and I can remember very little of the dark hole. All I can remember was almost drowning in there during my last visit.
It must’ve been the rainy season and the water current was quite strong. There was a part of the tour were visitors had to crawl in the water to avoid the stalactites above. The space was only about one foot or so, therefore it wasn’t that much of a space in the first place. I was a small kid. During one of the crawling parts, I was swept away by the current. I couldn’t breathe as I was fully submerged in the water and the water level had risen to the height of the given space; one foot. I can’t really remember the details properly but I can recall coming up for air for a few moments and an interactor put his hand over my face to prevent it from hitting the rough stalactite ceiling and another in front of me blocked the path so technically, those two saved my life.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Captivating Girl

Another day has passed and a new day has arrived.
This post is dedicated to the one of the jjang-est CF queen I know so far.
Today is YoonA’s birthday! This doe-eyed, 20 year old has practically conquered TV commercials all over South Korea! From mobile phones to cosmetics and now even doing a CF for an oil refining company! Man, there’s no stopping this girl! She was even featured in a few TVXQ music videos before debuting as a member of Girls’ Generation and also won the New Actress Award during 2008 for her role in a daily drama, You Are My Destiny. Sugoi darou?
Happy Birthday, Im YoonA, the very first member to join Girls’ Generation. ^^
Wishing you a very happy birthday, good health and lots of success in the future!
Friday, May 28, 2010
RT 1: Breakfast at Fuh San
Aish, I just fell asleep four hours ago! Why are you waking me up so early in the morning?!
I reluctantly got up and turned off my alarm clack before plopping down onto the bed to continue my slumber before my second alarm would ring in another 15 minutes.
Aish, I’m going to whack the person who invented the alarm clock.
This time, I got up from bed for real and proceed to dragging my sleepy butt off the bed and into the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower for the trip that morning. I usually would be very excited for a trip until I couldn’t sleep properly the night before but this was a different case. You see, I went to sleep at 2am for we finish planning the trip at almost midnight. After packing my stuff and what not, it was already 2am. I dropped onto the bed like a log and slept almost instantly.
Anyways, Huai Ern came to pick me up together with Yaw Bia, then we proceeded to pick up Li Ping from her place.
‘CCPing, you got bring extra clothes right?’
‘ya, I brought a shirt.’
‘you only brought a shirt?’
‘I said bring extra clothes, not extra shirt. We’re going to get wet later.’
‘aiya, never mind la.’
so, the 5 of us, me, Huai Ern, Richard, Yaw Bia and Li Ping went on our way to Ipoh! Our target, Fuh San Dim Sum. Muahahaha. The five of us were travelling in Richard’s car and on our way to our, or is it, my, very first road trip with friends!
Wah, the shop is damn big.
That was my first thought when I saw the restaurant, it was huge! Huai Ern told me later that it was 6 shops lots combined and it’s 3 stories high. That had to be the biggest dim sum restaurant I have ever seen, more like the only huge dim sum restaurant I have ever seen.
The place was ridiculously crowded on a weekday morning. imagine what it would be like on a weekend or on public holidays! It would be a miracle if you can find a seat there!
Food wise, the place s not bad. The char siu bao is nice!! Big and tasty! Really can feel kenyang after eating it. haha. But this was seriously the first time I see a ‘self service’ sign in a dim sum shop.
I reluctantly got up and turned off my alarm clack before plopping down onto the bed to continue my slumber before my second alarm would ring in another 15 minutes.
Aish, I’m going to whack the person who invented the alarm clock.
This time, I got up from bed for real and proceed to dragging my sleepy butt off the bed and into the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower for the trip that morning. I usually would be very excited for a trip until I couldn’t sleep properly the night before but this was a different case. You see, I went to sleep at 2am for we finish planning the trip at almost midnight. After packing my stuff and what not, it was already 2am. I dropped onto the bed like a log and slept almost instantly.
Anyways, Huai Ern came to pick me up together with Yaw Bia, then we proceeded to pick up Li Ping from her place.
‘CCPing, you got bring extra clothes right?’
‘ya, I brought a shirt.’
‘you only brought a shirt?’
‘I said bring extra clothes, not extra shirt. We’re going to get wet later.’
‘aiya, never mind la.’
so, the 5 of us, me, Huai Ern, Richard, Yaw Bia and Li Ping went on our way to Ipoh! Our target, Fuh San Dim Sum. Muahahaha. The five of us were travelling in Richard’s car and on our way to our, or is it, my, very first road trip with friends!
Wah, the shop is damn big.
That was my first thought when I saw the restaurant, it was huge! Huai Ern told me later that it was 6 shops lots combined and it’s 3 stories high. That had to be the biggest dim sum restaurant I have ever seen, more like the only huge dim sum restaurant I have ever seen.
The place was ridiculously crowded on a weekday morning. imagine what it would be like on a weekend or on public holidays! It would be a miracle if you can find a seat there!
Food wise, the place s not bad. The char siu bao is nice!! Big and tasty! Really can feel kenyang after eating it. haha. But this was seriously the first time I see a ‘self service’ sign in a dim sum shop.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
I cannot believe I’m going on a trip soon! Yes, I am very excited now because it’s my first road trip with my friends with no parental guidance what-so-ever. I am so looking forward to it! We’re going to my campus town, Kampar, a dead hole which I fell into about 5 months ago.
It’s pretty boring there; no entertainments like cinema or shopping complex. The closest thing to a cinema you can find there is the projector screen at the mamak stalls. Sad isn’t it? You’ll get used to it when you reach your second week of stay. Once you settled in, the place is actually not too bad, at least better than those big cities, food wise.
The food there is cheap, if I can say so myself. There are those really inexpensive but won’t fill your stomach hawker stalls and there’s also the slightly more expensive cafes which really do fill your stomach. Unfortunately, I am stuck going the hawker stalls most of the time. Why? Well, most of you might know that for me, especially when food is concerned, I DO NOT mind spending money on it. However, in contrast with my ‘live to eat’ concept, my housemates are on a strict ten bucks per day budget with little flexibility. I’ll just have to bear with it for another couple of years or so?
It’s ok, this will do me good in the sense that it’ll make my appetite smaller and hopefully I can lose a few kilos. Haha, a girl is never satisfied with her weight and how she looks. I am no different =).
It’s pretty boring there; no entertainments like cinema or shopping complex. The closest thing to a cinema you can find there is the projector screen at the mamak stalls. Sad isn’t it? You’ll get used to it when you reach your second week of stay. Once you settled in, the place is actually not too bad, at least better than those big cities, food wise.
The food there is cheap, if I can say so myself. There are those really inexpensive but won’t fill your stomach hawker stalls and there’s also the slightly more expensive cafes which really do fill your stomach. Unfortunately, I am stuck going the hawker stalls most of the time. Why? Well, most of you might know that for me, especially when food is concerned, I DO NOT mind spending money on it. However, in contrast with my ‘live to eat’ concept, my housemates are on a strict ten bucks per day budget with little flexibility. I’ll just have to bear with it for another couple of years or so?
It’s ok, this will do me good in the sense that it’ll make my appetite smaller and hopefully I can lose a few kilos. Haha, a girl is never satisfied with her weight and how she looks. I am no different =).
Monday, May 24, 2010
Are you tired?
Sleepy or fatigue?
It’s that time of the academic calendar again, isn’t it?
The time where most of us have puffy eyes from lack of sleep,
And eye bags that can shame the panda even.
Time management is very important
So don’t go burning the midnight oil until when you go to bed,
It’s already good morning.
Eat proper food.
There’s no such thing as saving time or money by eating biscuits or waffles for meals.
You need proper food in order to function properly!
So you can forget about eating junk food as well.
Find it hard to wake up for early morning paper?
Set 2 alarms!
There’s also no such thing as putting your phone alarm on ‘snooze’.
Guarantee oversleep.
Exams are important so don’t do anything stupid,
Like getting caught in the rain and getting flu the very next day or
Not drinking enough water then fall ill.
You exam people have to pandai pandai jaga yourself.
Sleepy or fatigue?
It’s that time of the academic calendar again, isn’t it?
The time where most of us have puffy eyes from lack of sleep,
And eye bags that can shame the panda even.
Time management is very important
So don’t go burning the midnight oil until when you go to bed,
It’s already good morning.
Eat proper food.
There’s no such thing as saving time or money by eating biscuits or waffles for meals.
You need proper food in order to function properly!
So you can forget about eating junk food as well.
Find it hard to wake up for early morning paper?
Set 2 alarms!
There’s also no such thing as putting your phone alarm on ‘snooze’.
Guarantee oversleep.
Exams are important so don’t do anything stupid,
Like getting caught in the rain and getting flu the very next day or
Not drinking enough water then fall ill.
You exam people have to pandai pandai jaga yourself.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Dear Mom
*this is going to be a very long post, you have been told*
We take many things for granted, one of which is, in my opinion, our mothers. Do we really care and respect them the way we should? I’m sure not all of us do. I myself am guilty of that act. I’m not really what some would call the perfect daughter. I throw tantrums and even show the ‘I very tarak syok you now’ face to my mom. I guess I’m far from being a good daughter. I’ve watched Super Junior’s LeeTeuk and EunHyuk’s live broadcast radio today and it hit me that not all of us are blessed with a complete family and some have lost their mothers at a young age.
Mothers’ Day was over a few weeks ago and I wasn’t able to write anything regarding it. So I will now dedicate this post, like what I’ve done several times before, to all mothers and daughters who are reading this. Please listen to the song I’ve embedded in this post. Thank you.
For some reason, today feels so difficult and exhausting
I hold my pillow closer as I sit alone in my room
I fidget with my phone as my heart
For some reason feels empty today
The suddenly ringing phone surprises me
I hear your voice, asking me if I ate today
Although at times, they annoyed me, today those words feel different
And all the forgotten promises I've made come flooding back to me
I will become a warm hearted person
I will become a person that puts others first
I will fulfill the wishes of your love
The person who I share my dreams with
The one who used to comb my hair, I think of my mom
Although at times, I hurt you because of my wrong decisions
You quietly watched over me from afar
Although I'm still a young and clumsy child
I think I understand now
The meaning of your silent prayers
I will become a warm hearted person
I will become a person that puts others first
I will fulfill the wishes of your love
The person who I share my dreams with
The one who used to comb my hair, I think of my mom
What should I do? My heart is still so small
If I let go of your hand, I'm not sure if I can make it without you
I don't think I'm ready yet
And I'm scared
I will become a wise daughter
Give me courage
No matter where I go, I will be a daughter you can be proud of
I will fulfill the wishes of your love
With all the love that you have shown me
I will have a warm heart
I was too shy to express this to you clearly
Mom, I truly love you
Just like what the lyrics say, I truly wish I could be a better daughter than what I am now. Even though I don't say it out very often but deep down, I really love my mom. And I will find a way to repay all her kindness and love she has shown me through the years.
We take many things for granted, one of which is, in my opinion, our mothers. Do we really care and respect them the way we should? I’m sure not all of us do. I myself am guilty of that act. I’m not really what some would call the perfect daughter. I throw tantrums and even show the ‘I very tarak syok you now’ face to my mom. I guess I’m far from being a good daughter. I’ve watched Super Junior’s LeeTeuk and EunHyuk’s live broadcast radio today and it hit me that not all of us are blessed with a complete family and some have lost their mothers at a young age.
Mothers’ Day was over a few weeks ago and I wasn’t able to write anything regarding it. So I will now dedicate this post, like what I’ve done several times before, to all mothers and daughters who are reading this. Please listen to the song I’ve embedded in this post. Thank you.
For some reason, today feels so difficult and exhausting
I hold my pillow closer as I sit alone in my room
I fidget with my phone as my heart
For some reason feels empty today
The suddenly ringing phone surprises me
I hear your voice, asking me if I ate today
Although at times, they annoyed me, today those words feel different
And all the forgotten promises I've made come flooding back to me
I will become a warm hearted person
I will become a person that puts others first
I will fulfill the wishes of your love
The person who I share my dreams with
The one who used to comb my hair, I think of my mom
Although at times, I hurt you because of my wrong decisions
You quietly watched over me from afar
Although I'm still a young and clumsy child
I think I understand now
The meaning of your silent prayers
I will become a warm hearted person
I will become a person that puts others first
I will fulfill the wishes of your love
The person who I share my dreams with
The one who used to comb my hair, I think of my mom
What should I do? My heart is still so small
If I let go of your hand, I'm not sure if I can make it without you
I don't think I'm ready yet
And I'm scared
I will become a wise daughter
Give me courage
No matter where I go, I will be a daughter you can be proud of
I will fulfill the wishes of your love
With all the love that you have shown me
I will have a warm heart
I was too shy to express this to you clearly
Mom, I truly love you
Just like what the lyrics say, I truly wish I could be a better daughter than what I am now. Even though I don't say it out very often but deep down, I really love my mom. And I will find a way to repay all her kindness and love she has shown me through the years.
Random Popped Out Thought
I have little patience,
That is a fact well known by others
Some still love to challenge my level of tolerance.
Because they have nothing better to do.
I’m so sick and tired of people trying to get my attention.
Do I look like a person who will care if you keep bugging me to pay attention to you?
I’ll be honest and say
I’m not!
Because I have better things to do than to pay attention to you.
Such as?
Reading my storybook and listening to my favourite songs.
Or even browse aimlessly on the internet.
Anything is better than paying attention to you.
Because you’re not worth my time.
I can be very mean if I want to.
This is nothing.
A/N>> a random thought which popped out in my mind out of no where. this is not intended for anybody.
That is a fact well known by others
Some still love to challenge my level of tolerance.
Because they have nothing better to do.
I’m so sick and tired of people trying to get my attention.
Do I look like a person who will care if you keep bugging me to pay attention to you?
I’ll be honest and say
I’m not!
Because I have better things to do than to pay attention to you.
Such as?
Reading my storybook and listening to my favourite songs.
Or even browse aimlessly on the internet.
Anything is better than paying attention to you.
Because you’re not worth my time.
I can be very mean if I want to.
This is nothing.
A/N>> a random thought which popped out in my mind out of no where. this is not intended for anybody.
Friday, May 21, 2010
when happy moments come to an end..
by my annonymous friend:
it's so near..each day drawing nearer and nearer..
i am afraid..yet i am curious
to know what it would turn out to be
hoping for the best
but i do prepare for the worse at the same time
so that i am not over confident with it..
i know that it will not turn out the way i wanted..
because i know..how much effort i did actually put into it..
it will not be good..
i will just prepare my heart..
learn how to control my emotion
so that i would not show it out..
because i will only show it out to myself..
only myself..and of course..
He knows..
He knows me well enough
better than me..
i am glad that throughout my life..He is always there
and He will always be there for me..
i am glad to know You..
You are great!
it's so near..each day drawing nearer and nearer..
i am afraid..yet i am curious
to know what it would turn out to be
hoping for the best
but i do prepare for the worse at the same time
so that i am not over confident with it..
i know that it will not turn out the way i wanted..
because i know..how much effort i did actually put into it..
it will not be good..
i will just prepare my heart..
learn how to control my emotion
so that i would not show it out..
because i will only show it out to myself..
only myself..and of course..
He knows..
He knows me well enough
better than me..
i am glad that throughout my life..He is always there
and He will always be there for me..
i am glad to know You..
You are great!
Online Results
‘NO! You cannot do this to me! I’ve waited for weeks for this day to come.’
The voice of a teenage girl echoed in the empty house as she continued her not-so futile attempt to access a certain page.
‘Why won’t you do as I say? Where is the speed when I need it most?!’
Frustration was slowly taking over as the girl began to bang the coffee table with her fists. Having waited for weeks for the results to be announced online, she couldn’t help feeling nervous and curious if she was good enough to make the cut.
‘Have you checked the results?’
Her friends were asking online on a social site regarding the matter.
‘No! The stupid page won’t load for me!’
The girl was getting impatient as 10 minutes had already passed and the page was fully loaded yet. It was stuck at the page’s header and it was getting on her nerves.
‘There’s no way that the page can crash within 15 minutes of the release of the results?’
Waiting for page to load online was nothing new to the girl for she already experienced it many times before, and so was waiting for online releases. Just a few weeks before, she was having an imaginary online war with the rest of her course mates to register for classes for the next semester.
She was so stressed out by registration that she couldn’t sleep at all that night and ended up waking up at 4am because she was too nervous to continue sleeping. As if she was sleeping in the first place, she went to bed at 11.30, tossed around in bed and looked at the clock after what-she-thought-to-be a very long time, it was only 12am. Continued tossing around in bed, checked the clock, 12.30am. Repeat process for 2am, 2.30am, 3.00am and lastly 4am. She couldn’t take it anymore and got up and took out her laptop to go online early in the morning.
Anyway back to the story, the page finally loaded after who-knows how long. As expected, she didn’t make the cut. She wasn’t disappointed at all, to be honest. She wasn’t expecting to make the cut. If she did, it would’ve been a huge miracle, like how she managed to get a B for her economics exam in college. She sucked at Economics big time.
She would like to congratulate all her friends who made the cut and wishes all, including those who didn’t and did not apply, all the best in your studies, work hard if not harder than they did in secondary school and always remember to smile.
After all, smiling is healthy =)
The voice of a teenage girl echoed in the empty house as she continued her not-so futile attempt to access a certain page.
‘Why won’t you do as I say? Where is the speed when I need it most?!’
Frustration was slowly taking over as the girl began to bang the coffee table with her fists. Having waited for weeks for the results to be announced online, she couldn’t help feeling nervous and curious if she was good enough to make the cut.
‘Have you checked the results?’
Her friends were asking online on a social site regarding the matter.
‘No! The stupid page won’t load for me!’
The girl was getting impatient as 10 minutes had already passed and the page was fully loaded yet. It was stuck at the page’s header and it was getting on her nerves.
‘There’s no way that the page can crash within 15 minutes of the release of the results?’
Waiting for page to load online was nothing new to the girl for she already experienced it many times before, and so was waiting for online releases. Just a few weeks before, she was having an imaginary online war with the rest of her course mates to register for classes for the next semester.
She was so stressed out by registration that she couldn’t sleep at all that night and ended up waking up at 4am because she was too nervous to continue sleeping. As if she was sleeping in the first place, she went to bed at 11.30, tossed around in bed and looked at the clock after what-she-thought-to-be a very long time, it was only 12am. Continued tossing around in bed, checked the clock, 12.30am. Repeat process for 2am, 2.30am, 3.00am and lastly 4am. She couldn’t take it anymore and got up and took out her laptop to go online early in the morning.
Anyway back to the story, the page finally loaded after who-knows how long. As expected, she didn’t make the cut. She wasn’t disappointed at all, to be honest. She wasn’t expecting to make the cut. If she did, it would’ve been a huge miracle, like how she managed to get a B for her economics exam in college. She sucked at Economics big time.
She would like to congratulate all her friends who made the cut and wishes all, including those who didn’t and did not apply, all the best in your studies, work hard if not harder than they did in secondary school and always remember to smile.
After all, smiling is healthy =)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
How long has it been? Four days perhaps? Have you gotten anything done in your to-do list for the holidays? I can bet that you haven’t started on anything yet. Cleaned your room? Finished your book? Not yet? Goodness, you’re so hopeless and forever lazy. Can’t you get anything done for once? Whatever happened to ‘I’m going to improve my willpower’?
You’re so weak. Even in school you displayed your vulnerability. I’m so ashamed of you. Can’t you do something right for once in your life? Why are you always depending on others to help you get your things done? Can’t you make an effort to push yourself instead of asking others to do it for you?
What am I going to do with you? I was with you since day one and you haven’t changed a bit, still as childish and immature as you used to be. Wake up girl! There’s no more time for you to day dream all day long. Time is passing by, fast! So stop wasting time and go complete your list before time runs out.
Human life span is actually very short. So, you should live your life the way you want to, not the way you HAVE to. Make sure you finish everything on your list before it’s too late. I’m not even half way through my to-do list yet. I better get started. ^^
You’re so weak. Even in school you displayed your vulnerability. I’m so ashamed of you. Can’t you do something right for once in your life? Why are you always depending on others to help you get your things done? Can’t you make an effort to push yourself instead of asking others to do it for you?
What am I going to do with you? I was with you since day one and you haven’t changed a bit, still as childish and immature as you used to be. Wake up girl! There’s no more time for you to day dream all day long. Time is passing by, fast! So stop wasting time and go complete your list before time runs out.
Human life span is actually very short. So, you should live your life the way you want to, not the way you HAVE to. Make sure you finish everything on your list before it’s too late. I’m not even half way through my to-do list yet. I better get started. ^^
A short essay sent to me by my friend. I found it being meaningful and awesome so I've decided to share it. Don't worry, permission has been granted for me to post this.
Are you tired?
Feel like giving up?
It seems like the world is slowing turning off its light. It is dark outside. What are left are those stars twinkling at you. They are still the same; they never change. They remind you how beautiful the world is, bringing back flood of childhood memories as you looked at them. Do you realize that the way you look at them has changed?
It is no longer the same like how you’ve been admiring them at young. At that age, what you have you will take good care of them, trying your best to protect them so that they will always remain in a good condition. As you grown up, your personality changes or should it be because you have begin to show the real you? Is it because you have been influenced by the people around you? Just like how most of the people behave nowadays. They become more selfish, takes every opportunities that had been given to them for granted. Later, they realized that how good it is if they are able to turn back the time. At that moment, no matter what you have wished will not come. Miracles will not happen. The time will not go back according to your order! Regret is the only one left behind waiting for you.
The world is finally starting to reveal itself to you as you gain maturity. Realize that the world is a harsh place and not the one that you’ve expected. It is hard to accept it. The world is a complicated place. You know that life is not the same at all like what had been told in the fairytale stories. Out of sudden, you feel that life is meaningless. You become weak, frustrated, tired of all those lies. BUT, always remember that there is another side one life. You can make your life meaningful! This side of life is not hard to find, you just have to stay positive, be optimistic and it shall appear. Life is not hard at all. Look for sunshine behind every dark cloud. Obviously, there is sweet and sour in life and only through this ways you are able to learn. Throughout the process of learning, you gain more experiences and knowledge and along the way, there will be people leaving footprints in your heart. They are those who are dear to you, someone who you will keep them forever close to your heart!
Sometimes you might not be able to accomplish your goals but it is okay. Don’t give up no matter how bad the situation you are in! At least you’ve try your best. What’s important is the efforts that you had put in. By winning, you achieve something. By losing, you are motivated to work hard. By quitting, you shatter your dreams. By giving yourself a chance to try again or hold on, some way, some how, you will end up getting there. All blessings are always one second late, but they're always at the right time. Believe in yourselves that you can do it, hang on there my friend! =)
Are you tired?
Feel like giving up?
It seems like the world is slowing turning off its light. It is dark outside. What are left are those stars twinkling at you. They are still the same; they never change. They remind you how beautiful the world is, bringing back flood of childhood memories as you looked at them. Do you realize that the way you look at them has changed?
It is no longer the same like how you’ve been admiring them at young. At that age, what you have you will take good care of them, trying your best to protect them so that they will always remain in a good condition. As you grown up, your personality changes or should it be because you have begin to show the real you? Is it because you have been influenced by the people around you? Just like how most of the people behave nowadays. They become more selfish, takes every opportunities that had been given to them for granted. Later, they realized that how good it is if they are able to turn back the time. At that moment, no matter what you have wished will not come. Miracles will not happen. The time will not go back according to your order! Regret is the only one left behind waiting for you.
The world is finally starting to reveal itself to you as you gain maturity. Realize that the world is a harsh place and not the one that you’ve expected. It is hard to accept it. The world is a complicated place. You know that life is not the same at all like what had been told in the fairytale stories. Out of sudden, you feel that life is meaningless. You become weak, frustrated, tired of all those lies. BUT, always remember that there is another side one life. You can make your life meaningful! This side of life is not hard to find, you just have to stay positive, be optimistic and it shall appear. Life is not hard at all. Look for sunshine behind every dark cloud. Obviously, there is sweet and sour in life and only through this ways you are able to learn. Throughout the process of learning, you gain more experiences and knowledge and along the way, there will be people leaving footprints in your heart. They are those who are dear to you, someone who you will keep them forever close to your heart!
Sometimes you might not be able to accomplish your goals but it is okay. Don’t give up no matter how bad the situation you are in! At least you’ve try your best. What’s important is the efforts that you had put in. By winning, you achieve something. By losing, you are motivated to work hard. By quitting, you shatter your dreams. By giving yourself a chance to try again or hold on, some way, some how, you will end up getting there. All blessings are always one second late, but they're always at the right time. Believe in yourselves that you can do it, hang on there my friend! =)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
One Year Later
This is one of my favourite songs of all time. this is just the translation for the lyrics. Beautiful isn't it?
It feels like I've been dreaming for a long time
I've wandered and wandered around for a while
As if we made a promise
Standing here in front of each other like that day from four seasons ago
Those beautiful stories that we wrote down together
Those eternal promises that we prayed for at that time
They're all coming back to me now and I don't think my heart can take it
I've even restrained myself at the thought of you
How has your one year been
For a long time, I've been living, having forgotten of you
For a while, I thought I was doing fine
However I started to realize it as time passed by
That I am nothing without you
At that time, if only we had been a bit more mature
If only we knew how we would be right now
I have no confidence in overcoming these endless regrets
So I've had to just repress them
One year has passed like that
Could your feelings perhaps be the same as mine?
Will you give me another chance?
I know now that we can never part from each other
The one person I love and love again
I wish we can go back to our first days
To the beautiful, happy and loving days
Those heart-breaking stories and vain arguments
Just bury all of that now
And promise that we won't take them out again
No matter how many seasons pass and how many years go by
I hope that we won't meet like today again
It feels like I've been dreaming for a long time
I've wandered and wandered around for a while
As if we made a promise
Standing here in front of each other like that day from four seasons ago
Those beautiful stories that we wrote down together
Those eternal promises that we prayed for at that time
They're all coming back to me now and I don't think my heart can take it
I've even restrained myself at the thought of you
How has your one year been
For a long time, I've been living, having forgotten of you
For a while, I thought I was doing fine
However I started to realize it as time passed by
That I am nothing without you
At that time, if only we had been a bit more mature
If only we knew how we would be right now
I have no confidence in overcoming these endless regrets
So I've had to just repress them
One year has passed like that
Could your feelings perhaps be the same as mine?
Will you give me another chance?
I know now that we can never part from each other
The one person I love and love again
I wish we can go back to our first days
To the beautiful, happy and loving days
Those heart-breaking stories and vain arguments
Just bury all of that now
And promise that we won't take them out again
No matter how many seasons pass and how many years go by
I hope that we won't meet like today again
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Energy Pill

This post is dedicated to a special someone who showed me that being small doesn’t mean you can’t be awesome!
Today is Sunny’s birthday! The funsized, aegyo queen of Girls’ Generation turns 21 (22 Korean age) today! Though she is the shortest member, Sunny has showed me that being the smallest doesn’t mean you can’t be awesome! Pack with talent and an amajjing voice, Sunny can be said to be the bravest of the nine. From chicken to snakes, she doesn’t seem to be afraid of them at all. Heck, she can just stretch out her hand and grab them just like that. Awesome, isn’t she?
Happy Birthday, Sunny Lee.
Wishing you good health, happiness and lots of success in your career.
All the best in the ITNW Asia Tour!! ^^
*picture credit to ssf*
Friday, May 14, 2010
crazy...or not??
I think the boredom of holiday is finally settling in, I’m here now with my crazy friend, chatting through msn, when we’re sitting side by side, right next to each other. Crazy, no? I don’t mind. I have not seen the crazy gal in over 2 months. Wow, time flies and now we’re on semester break! Awesome, is it not?! But, my break started earlier than hers. I have been on break since beginning of the month! While she only started her break yesterday. Hehe, Diong Wern Jyn, you jealous I punya holiday longer than yours? Kekeke..
Saturday, May 8, 2010
It’s been almost 6 months now since this page was started under the request of my friend. Looking back at my previous posts, I realized that, as time passed, my posts were becoming more and more sentimental and definitely getting longer. Why longer? Well, I typed it in Word then I transfer it to the blog.
Why more sentimental? I came to realize that I’m getting older and as I do, I tend to hold on to pass memories tighter than usual. The thoughts of me leaving my hometown to study in another town and not being able to see my beloved friends again scared me at one point. However, I’ve gotten over that point. I’m no longer afraid to let go but yet, I can’t help but hold back the last few precious memories which I cherish most.
How can you let go of something which had already been deemed ‘precious’ in your heart? The days we spent talking nonsense in class or in some random venue we picked will be forever cherished and the conflicts we had in our group will continue to serve as guidance for me to make judgments and decisions in the future.
I grew up knowing very little of how harsh and cruel the world can be. All of you have helped open my eyes and to see the world in a whole new perspective. I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart though I’m not sure whether how many of you actually bother to read this anyways.
Thank you.
Why more sentimental? I came to realize that I’m getting older and as I do, I tend to hold on to pass memories tighter than usual. The thoughts of me leaving my hometown to study in another town and not being able to see my beloved friends again scared me at one point. However, I’ve gotten over that point. I’m no longer afraid to let go but yet, I can’t help but hold back the last few precious memories which I cherish most.
How can you let go of something which had already been deemed ‘precious’ in your heart? The days we spent talking nonsense in class or in some random venue we picked will be forever cherished and the conflicts we had in our group will continue to serve as guidance for me to make judgments and decisions in the future.
I grew up knowing very little of how harsh and cruel the world can be. All of you have helped open my eyes and to see the world in a whole new perspective. I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart though I’m not sure whether how many of you actually bother to read this anyways.
Thank you.
Friday, May 7, 2010
psk..do you?
Do you know who I am?
Do you know who you are?
Do you know what are my true feelings?
Do you know your own feelings?
You don’t?
Don’t worry,
Cause I don’t too.
Humans are complex creatures.
Nobody can confidently say that they understand themselves completely.
So don’t worry,
It’s perfectly ok if you don’t understand yourself completely.
Life is short,
So don’t worry that head of yours with stuff like this.
Once you really think about it,
It’s not that worth it.
So just let everyday slid like that,
Things will be much simpler that way.
Trust me.
Do you know who you are?
Do you know what are my true feelings?
Do you know your own feelings?
You don’t?
Don’t worry,
Cause I don’t too.
Humans are complex creatures.
Nobody can confidently say that they understand themselves completely.
So don’t worry,
It’s perfectly ok if you don’t understand yourself completely.
Life is short,
So don’t worry that head of yours with stuff like this.
Once you really think about it,
It’s not that worth it.
So just let everyday slid like that,
Things will be much simpler that way.
Trust me.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Can You Hear Me?
It’s been quite a while since we last met, hasn’t it? Almost 2 years I think. How you’ve been? Good I hope. It seems the both of us won’t be seeing each other for another long while, since, we’re both from different places and we’re constantly busy with school work. It’s difficult for us to meet. I go to your town pretty often, I guess? However, you don’t come to mine at all. I don’t blame you, you don’t have any connection with this place at all. It’s not like you have any relatives staying here or anything of that sort.
You came here around 1 and a half years ago to attend a camp, we met there. Though, I wasn’t supposed to be at your course, I went to help out since they were short of hand. I was very happy that I went, I met so many wonderful new friends there, including you of course.
I only knew you for 2 weeks, there’s still many things about you that I do not know. We became friends, I felt sad when I had to leave. I took one last look back and I saw you waving at me from the first floor. There was a part of me that didn’t want to leave until you did, but, I knew that was not going to happen.
Will I see you again? Who knows? It might be years from now or we’ll bump into each other when I’m in town. I do hope it happens.
I miss you.
You came here around 1 and a half years ago to attend a camp, we met there. Though, I wasn’t supposed to be at your course, I went to help out since they were short of hand. I was very happy that I went, I met so many wonderful new friends there, including you of course.
I only knew you for 2 weeks, there’s still many things about you that I do not know. We became friends, I felt sad when I had to leave. I took one last look back and I saw you waving at me from the first floor. There was a part of me that didn’t want to leave until you did, but, I knew that was not going to happen.
Will I see you again? Who knows? It might be years from now or we’ll bump into each other when I’m in town. I do hope it happens.
I miss you.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Searching For You
I wondered around a large complex searching for you. My legs were aching and my stomach was churning, and yet, I was never gave up searching for you. I’ve been looking for you since the beginning of the year. Sadly, I never found you. I wanted you so badly that I was willing to spend any amount of money just to have you.
Upon receiving a conformation text message that you were in the building, I quickened my pace as I made my way up to the 5th floor to look for you. The text directed me to a small corner of the building and then, there you are. I’ve found you, at long last. I had a huge grin plastered across my face and I looked idiotic but I didn’t care one bit. The most important thing is, I’ve found what I was looking for after almost 6months of search. I was thrilled when I finally found you. I wanted to get your sister too but I was in dilemma every since she came out in February. In the end, I chose you over the other.
I have no regrets. Perhaps, just a little that I didn’t get you both. Seeing how I had enough funding to do so in the first place. Never mind, the next trip there, I will get the other for sure.
Call me a fanatic, I don’t care. All I care about is having a blast doing the thing that I like most. In this case, I finally found the one thing I’ve been searching for for the past few months.
It didn’t bother me one bit that I had to spend almost RM100 on you. It didn’t bother me one bit.
Curious of what I’m referring to? I’m now a proud owner of a beautiful album and a poster! ^^
Now, I can finally consider myself a real SONE. Oh! You’re finally mine.
Upon receiving a conformation text message that you were in the building, I quickened my pace as I made my way up to the 5th floor to look for you. The text directed me to a small corner of the building and then, there you are. I’ve found you, at long last. I had a huge grin plastered across my face and I looked idiotic but I didn’t care one bit. The most important thing is, I’ve found what I was looking for after almost 6months of search. I was thrilled when I finally found you. I wanted to get your sister too but I was in dilemma every since she came out in February. In the end, I chose you over the other.
I have no regrets. Perhaps, just a little that I didn’t get you both. Seeing how I had enough funding to do so in the first place. Never mind, the next trip there, I will get the other for sure.
Call me a fanatic, I don’t care. All I care about is having a blast doing the thing that I like most. In this case, I finally found the one thing I’ve been searching for for the past few months.
It didn’t bother me one bit that I had to spend almost RM100 on you. It didn’t bother me one bit.
Curious of what I’m referring to? I’m now a proud owner of a beautiful album and a poster! ^^
Now, I can finally consider myself a real SONE. Oh! You’re finally mine.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Blink, Blink, Blink
Blink, blink, blink and semester one ended. Time flew by fast, scarily fast. Exams were over and there was nothing else left to do but to pack up and go home. But what fun would it be to just leave campus after exams end? A celebration was needed to release all the tension built up during the week. So that was exactly what a bunch of friends did. Two days after the exams ended, they made their way to the heart of the country, for a shopping spree to get their minds of college life and to officially begin their holiday.
It was like any morning in Kampar, wake up at 6am and get ready to face the day. Wash up and then spend some time with my dear for a while before I had to leave for the entire day and return pass midnight.
We left at 8.30 and arrived in the big city sometime after 10. It amazed me at how short the journey was. It was fun travelling by bus again after many months. Thank goodness I didn’t get motion sickness like the time we went to Penang for our Moral trip. Oh, I can still remember the nauseating ride! One thing different though, I had nobody to spazz over songs with. Normally on trips, I would be sitting with Rachel and the both of us will be spazzing over songs in my mp3. This trip was a bit different as obviously, she wasn’t part of it.
We were dropped off at a place called Majid Jamek, I think? I’m not very sure. then we bought train tickets for our ride back to Kampar which cost rm20 per ticket. Expensive, no? well, the economic class was full and there’s nothing we could do about it. after that, we walked to Pasar Seni station and lrt-ed to Hang Tuah where we then walked to Times Square for lunch and shopping round 1 before proceeding to Sg Wang plaza for round 2. We then had dinner there and walked back to Times Square for round 3 and then made our way back to Masjid Jamek.
A/N>> I know it sound boring, this is just the summary of the trip. Part 2 will be coming up soon, that is, after I get a damn good night’s sleep and recover from stupid flu. Aish. I hate flu!!!
btw, for those who are wondering, A/N stands for Author's Note. something i learnt from the authors at a forum.
It was like any morning in Kampar, wake up at 6am and get ready to face the day. Wash up and then spend some time with my dear for a while before I had to leave for the entire day and return pass midnight.
We left at 8.30 and arrived in the big city sometime after 10. It amazed me at how short the journey was. It was fun travelling by bus again after many months. Thank goodness I didn’t get motion sickness like the time we went to Penang for our Moral trip. Oh, I can still remember the nauseating ride! One thing different though, I had nobody to spazz over songs with. Normally on trips, I would be sitting with Rachel and the both of us will be spazzing over songs in my mp3. This trip was a bit different as obviously, she wasn’t part of it.
We were dropped off at a place called Majid Jamek, I think? I’m not very sure. then we bought train tickets for our ride back to Kampar which cost rm20 per ticket. Expensive, no? well, the economic class was full and there’s nothing we could do about it. after that, we walked to Pasar Seni station and lrt-ed to Hang Tuah where we then walked to Times Square for lunch and shopping round 1 before proceeding to Sg Wang plaza for round 2. We then had dinner there and walked back to Times Square for round 3 and then made our way back to Masjid Jamek.
A/N>> I know it sound boring, this is just the summary of the trip. Part 2 will be coming up soon, that is, after I get a damn good night’s sleep and recover from stupid flu. Aish. I hate flu!!!
btw, for those who are wondering, A/N stands for Author's Note. something i learnt from the authors at a forum.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Whacky Senior Year
What’s school life without tuition classes? I’m sure not many students can actually say that he/she has never attended one before. No matter how laid back you are in your studies, your parents will force to attend those classes. In this little girl’s case, it’s not that much of a difference. You see, ever since I was a kid, I was sent to tuition class. I can still remember my first class during year 1, it was so boring that I personally told the teacher I quit after a few months. Guess I had a short attention span since then.
Tuition classes are quite inevitable back in high school. The word tuition will appear on my schedule every single day of the week during my last couple of years in high school. But, I soon realized that tuition isn’t all bad, I get to socialize with my friends and even had hilarious incidences together while in tuition.
One of my favourite classes was Chemistry class during final year. We had tones of laugh and the mood is always very light there and sitting in front of two really cute people didn’t help me to concentrate at all. Those two were like clowns in their own little world. They would chat and I would eavesdrop. I know it’s wrong but their conversations are really interesting and I couldn’t help but chuckle every now and then. Of course, I manage to fix that bad habit as the super huge, super scary exam was approaching. One of them even snapped my back (if you get what I mean). Oh the pain!! And she always catches me of guard as she snaps it. The whole class would be staring at me after I yelp in pain. They even mentioned it in my birthday card that year. It’s so embarrassing!
Tuition classes are like challenges, especially when you have no idea what the heck the teacher is talking about. For instance, accounts class. Boy was I one severe blur case sitting in the second row beside my tomodachi. I actually spent more time chit chatting and playing a fool rather than trying to learn accounts. What amazed me was my results. Can you believe a blur case like me can get an A? Hard to believe right? I still can’t though. I mean, I was the class clown during accounts and my tomodachi should know better. She sat right beside me on my right. I lost count on how many times I ‘sembah’-ed her for letting me copy her homework. I know, I’m bad. Most of the time, she’ll be teaching me but sometimes, the both of us would be blur cases sitting behind the ‘salted fish’ (get what I mean?)
I seriously don’t mind going through those two classes again if it meant being with you again. That’s one of the things I look forward to when I go for those two classes;
because you’re right beside me. =D
A/N>> idea from my tomodachi! thank you ya..i was so bored with nth to do!
Tuition classes are quite inevitable back in high school. The word tuition will appear on my schedule every single day of the week during my last couple of years in high school. But, I soon realized that tuition isn’t all bad, I get to socialize with my friends and even had hilarious incidences together while in tuition.
One of my favourite classes was Chemistry class during final year. We had tones of laugh and the mood is always very light there and sitting in front of two really cute people didn’t help me to concentrate at all. Those two were like clowns in their own little world. They would chat and I would eavesdrop. I know it’s wrong but their conversations are really interesting and I couldn’t help but chuckle every now and then. Of course, I manage to fix that bad habit as the super huge, super scary exam was approaching. One of them even snapped my back (if you get what I mean). Oh the pain!! And she always catches me of guard as she snaps it. The whole class would be staring at me after I yelp in pain. They even mentioned it in my birthday card that year. It’s so embarrassing!
Tuition classes are like challenges, especially when you have no idea what the heck the teacher is talking about. For instance, accounts class. Boy was I one severe blur case sitting in the second row beside my tomodachi. I actually spent more time chit chatting and playing a fool rather than trying to learn accounts. What amazed me was my results. Can you believe a blur case like me can get an A? Hard to believe right? I still can’t though. I mean, I was the class clown during accounts and my tomodachi should know better. She sat right beside me on my right. I lost count on how many times I ‘sembah’-ed her for letting me copy her homework. I know, I’m bad. Most of the time, she’ll be teaching me but sometimes, the both of us would be blur cases sitting behind the ‘salted fish’ (get what I mean?)
I seriously don’t mind going through those two classes again if it meant being with you again. That’s one of the things I look forward to when I go for those two classes;
because you’re right beside me. =D
A/N>> idea from my tomodachi! thank you ya..i was so bored with nth to do!
Ever felt as though you’re the only one in the world?
Ever felt as though how no one listens to you and that you’re on your own?
Ever felt how the most trivial of things can make you upset?
Ever felt how the most trivial of things can also make you happy?
Life is strange but beautiful at the same time.
Like when you’re doing something which you truly enjoy from the bottom of your
or when you’re with that one special person which can make your heart flutter.
Life is filled with ups and downs.
So, life everyday like it is your last.
Don’t be in too much of a rush to get things done, sometimes just stop and smell the
You’ll never know what pleasant surprise might find its way to you.
Who knows, you’ll actually be thankful one day in the future.
I should know, I stopped and I don’t regret it one bit.
Savour every moment.
Don't let it slip by you without your knowledge.
Ever felt as though how no one listens to you and that you’re on your own?
Ever felt how the most trivial of things can make you upset?
Ever felt how the most trivial of things can also make you happy?
Life is strange but beautiful at the same time.
Like when you’re doing something which you truly enjoy from the bottom of your
or when you’re with that one special person which can make your heart flutter.
Life is filled with ups and downs.
So, life everyday like it is your last.
Don’t be in too much of a rush to get things done, sometimes just stop and smell the
You’ll never know what pleasant surprise might find its way to you.
Who knows, you’ll actually be thankful one day in the future.
I should know, I stopped and I don’t regret it one bit.
Savour every moment.
Don't let it slip by you without your knowledge.
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