Wednesday, December 30, 2009
time to say goodbye
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
hello and goodbye
sad isn't it? we about to embark on a journey tht will take us to who noes where in this world. and the worst part of all, we don't even now which road to take. '2 roads diverge in a yellow wood, and i;'m sorry tht i could not take both' familiar??? haha..i'm so dramatic nw..
i feel as if everything is so rushed! at first we were saying..'aiya y go january...no time to play' nw..everyone goin january..ish..aiya...i also goin january la..hehe..my class start 18th...haha
Friday, December 25, 2009
To: My Best-est Roomie ever
This post has been reposted on 18.9.2011 and the content has been changed from the original.
Dear Best-est Roomie ever,
I am very well aware that there is no way, in a million years, can I say this without sounding like a total weirdo and maybe even worst, a complete gay. So here it goes, I miss you, very much actually.
Today is your 19th birthday and I’m sorry that I cannot do anything more than just post ‘Happy Birthday’ on your Facebook wall.
We drifted very quickly after camp due to time and distance. The last time I heard you say ‘I miss you’ was two years ago when you blogged about it. I was happy that you did, because I’ve always thought that you thought that I was just another weird/messy kid you had to put up with for two weeks then you’re never gonna see the kid anymore. That post was a welcome relief to me.
Did you know that the pear I gave you was actually mine and not an extra we had? You told me before you like pears and I just decided to save mine for you when we had pears as ‘fruit of the meal’ on night. It would’ve been a bit awkward if I had given it to you directly so I just left it on your bed for you to find when you came back because when you have returned to the room, I would’ve left for 2days. I’m sorry I lied that that pear was an extra.
During the course of the 10-day camp, we seldom saw each other because of clashing schedules. You would be gone for 2days and by the time you have returned, it was my turn to leave. It was always like that until the last few days when all the expeditions were over. I remembered once I went on the sea expedition while you went for your land expedition and we didn’t see each other for 3whole days.
I saw you, 3days later, while I was escorting the kids taking out the trash. You walked through the gates in your signature yellow and red Selangor long sleeved shirt, the only long sleeved shirt you packed for the whole camp. I wanted to throw you a hug but obviously it would’ve been weird so I ended up waving and shouting ‘Yo Selangor!!’ and you shouted back ‘Yo Sitiawan!!’
Yea, this is starting to get weird so I’ll stop now.
It’s almost the end of the day and your birthday would be over soon.
Happy Birthday, the Best-est Roomie I ever had
Your Dear OB Roomate =]